
Showing posts from February, 2020


Unfortunately, Blogger won't let me format this right for a post, but this is enough for now! “THE FINAL SIN” By Noah Carolan 2 FADE IN: EXT. SPACE A planet is being bombarded by white and gold ships. Heading the pack is a command ship of the SEVEN VIRTUES, the HEAVENSENT. HEAVENSENT (OVER TANNOY, REPEATED) REPENT OR DIE. REPENT OR DIE. EXT. BATTLEFIELD, DUSK. A battle in a destroyed city. Two groups of soldiers attack each other; the Virtues’ drones versus the Sins’ mutants. Behind the mutants, stands a tall structure, topped with a spherical room with multiple openings; the War Room. INT. WAR ROOM, DUSK A war room table stands in the middle of the room, with seven seats surrounding it. Five of the SEVEN DEADLY SINS are seated, bored. At one of the openings, GLUTTONY looks out onto the battlefield, unimpressed. PRIDE, a small metal man, paces on top of the table, moving pieces of the model around. PRIDE Well, consider me humbled. I can’t come up with a good enoug