This post is going to be looking at a film I think is underrated. For this, I chose Solo: A Star Wars Story , released in 2018 and directed by Ron Howard (who picked up the film after previous directors Phil Lord & Chris Miller left the project). ( The first trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story) The film was the second of Disney's Star Wars anthologies to be released, after Rogue One: A Star Wars Story , and followed up by The Mandalorian series on Disney+. It reveals the new canon origins of Han Solo, after Disney rebooted the Star Wars canon leaving his old origin story as the stuff of Legend in canon. The film follows Solo, played by Alden Ehrenreich, pulling off the amazing feats of daring do he talked about in the original Star Wars trilogy; performing the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs, initial rebellion against the Empire, and winning the Millenium Falcon in a game of sabaac against Lando Calrissian (played by Donald Glover). Unfortunately, Solo did not perf...