In this post, I'm going to outline how the world of Final Sin works and what inspired it.


Intergalactic Documentation
Name: AntiDomain
Sector: 000-001
System: The Anti-Matter System
Planet Type: Anti-Matter, Celestial Body Tissue
Planet Size: 20,000km Diameter
Moon(s): Variable (Three originally)
Ring(s): One (Broken)
Sun(s): Three

Native Species: Sin Senses
Orbital Period: 5,000 Years
Day Length: 24 Earth Hours (1:1 Scale)
Atmosphere: Adaptive (Inhabitants gain small personal atmospheres)
Primary Terrain: Anti-Matter sludge, Bone, Blue Lava
Climate: Moderate
Native Flora: None
Fauna: SinCreatures, Eye Stragglers

System of Rule: Empire
Emperor: Antibody
Length of Rule: 13.8 billion years
Population: 1 trillion
Capital: The Fortress
Primary Export: None
Primary Import: Souls
Currency: None
Flag: None
Military: The Entire Sin Armada (mostly offworld)

Societal Function
The Senses are creatures with no free will and very little intelligence; they live only to serve their masters, the Antibody and his Sin children. There are various jobs they take up:

  • Soldier - The majority of the population is stationed here. They accompany the Sins as they conquer planets, and take out the inhabitants as they invade. Their primary instinct is to kill anything that doesn't come from their world. They are very resilient, but are somewhat slow and their low intelligence is easily exploited.
  • Captain - One in a billion Senses are created with somewhat average intelligence. These senses are assigned as Captains, leading smaller fleets and battalions. They are closer to the Sins than any other type of Sense, but they are treated with only a tiny bit more respect.
  • Offworld Harvesters - Non-offensive parts of the army. They are cybernetically enhanced to collect resources from fallen planets and enemies. Mostly resources without physical form; souls, essences, etc.
  • Onworld Harvesters - These harvesters gather Blue Lava from the volcanoes, the main energy source of the AntiDomain. They have a thicker skin than other Senses, and are not as badly harmed if they come into contact with the lava.

Points of Interest
The Triple Volcano: Three volcanoes within close proximity of each other. They regularly flow with Blue Lava, a common source of energy on AntiDomain.

The Craters: Craters caused by fell moons; Sin training involves falling a moon as the final test.


There were two main worlds in media that inspired AntiDomain; Hell from Doom (1993) and Skaro from the relaunch of Doctor Who (2005).

Image result for doom hell 1993"
(Hell as seen in the original Doom - credit: iD Software)

Hell in Doom is seen as a mostly empty plane, with ruins and the only remaining artificial structures belonging to higher class demons (Barons of Hell, Cacodemons and The Spider Mastermind specifically). Levels are littered with powerful demons all intent on killing the player character, Doomguy. Lava flows everywhere, moreso than in the prior two episodes of Doom (both of which take place on Mars and Phobos).

I really liked the idea of a derelict, seemingly mutated landscape, whose design manages to seep of only pure evil. When constructing the AntiDomain, I took most inspiration from Hell's use of barren landscapes, architecture design and evil feel. For example, Doom's Hell features structures meant to resemble skulls, spikes and other parts of both human and demon anatomy. In this sense, I designed architecture of the AntiDomain with this same type of material, instead fashioning buildings out of bone and muscle tissue.

Image result for skaro"
(Skaro as seen in the episode The Witch's Familiar from Doctor Who (2005) - credit: BBC)

Skaro from the 2005 continuation of Doctor Who was the other primary influence for the AntiDomain, mostly in how the society would work overall. Skaro is the planet of the Daleks, alien creatures who live in miniature tanks. In the Series 9 opening 2-parter, it's revealed their previously thought to be destroyed planet was rebuilt by the Daleks, and now serve their master and creator, Davros. The Daleks are loyal to Davros to a fault, daring not oppose him. They're also incredibly hungry for war and conquest; they've been involved in many galactic wars, including the biggest one in Doctor Who canon, The Time War.

AntiDomain's Senses are similar; they serve the Sins and Antibody without question; except here it's less of a respect thing, and moreso because they don't have the mental capacity to do any different. The Senses have been involved in millions of planetary conquests over millennia, and with the birth of the Sins, their reach only spread.


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