
Showing posts from January, 2020


The first draft of my newly retitled screenplay, The Final Sin . “THE FINAL SIN” By Noah Carolan FAde In: ext. space A planet, the AntiDomain, is being bombarded by white and gold ships. Heading the pack is a large command ship of the Seven Virtues, the HEAVENSENT. HEAVENSENT (OVER TANNOY) REPENT OR DIE. REPENT OR DIE. The Heavensent repeats the phrase. EXT. BATTLEFIELD, DUSK. A battle in a destroyed city. Two groups of soldiers attack each other; white & gold drones and large mouth mutants on each side. Behind the mutants, stands a tall structure, topped with a sphere room with multiple openings; the War Room. INT. WAR ROOM, DUSK A table representing the battlefield stands in the middle of the room, with seven seats surrounding it. Five are occupied by five of the SEVEN DEADLY SINS. The five seem bored. At one of the openings, GLUTTONY looks out onto the battlefield, seemingly unimpressed. PRIDE, a small metal man, paces on top of the table, moving pie


In this post, I'm going to talk about the two main inspirations for my new storyline. First is Psychomachia , a poem from the 5th century written by the ancient poet Prudentius. It tells of battles held between the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Heavenly Virtues, each 1-1 battle involving two figures that are counterparts to each other; for example, Chastity fights Lust. (A carving of Psychomachia in Catalonia, Spain) I knew with Antibody out of the picture with the new script, I needed something new to push Gluttony towards acting upon his desires. When going back into researching the concept of the Sins, I found out they have direct counterparts known as the Seven Heavenly Virtues. In Christian belief, the names and particular virtues are much more flexible and variable depending on where you look, but I stuck with the ones that fit my pre-existing Sins. And as I delved deeper, I found out about this poem (albeit a rather long poem), that chronicles how the Virtues co


In this post, I'm going to outline how the world of Final Sin works and what inspired it. CORE OUTLINE Intergalactic Documentation Name: AntiDomain Sector: 000-001 System: The Anti-Matter System Planet Type: Anti-Matter, Celestial Body Tissue Planet Size: 20,000km Diameter Moon(s): Variable (Three originally) Ring(s): One (Broken) Sun(s): Three Environment Native Species: Sin Senses Orbital Period: 5,000 Years Day Length: 24 Earth Hours (1:1 Scale) Atmosphere: Adaptive (Inhabitants gain small personal atmospheres) Primary Terrain: Anti-Matter sludge, Bone, Blue Lava Climate: Moderate Native Flora: None Fauna: SinCreatures, Eye Stragglers Society System of Rule: Empire Emperor: Antibody Length of Rule: 13.8 billion years Population: 1 trillion Capital: The Fortress Primary Export: None Primary Import: Souls Currency: None Flag: None Military: The Entire Sin Armada (mostly offworld) Societal Function The Senses are creatures with no free will and


GLUTTONY Name: Gluttony Age: 6,000 Gender: Male (He/Him) Height: 6' 6" Weight: 50kg Hair Colour: Dusty Blue Eye Colour: Black Skin Colour: Grey Home: AntiDomain Father: Antibody Mother: n/a Brothers: Pride, Sloth, Greed Sisters: Envy, Lust Other Siblings: Wrath Theme Song: I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire  by The Ink Spots AKA: Glutton, The Circus Act Bio: Gluttony is the youngest sibling of the Seven Deadly Sins, who has the ability to create portals and wormholes from his hands. He's sly and sneaky, often using underhanded tactics and schemes to get what he wants. He claims his ultimate goal is to get everything their is into his possession, but his true goal is to have what his siblings have; respect and power. Since his goal goes unfulfilled, he remains slender and thin. He dresses like an Earth 1930s higher class gentleman, complete with pencil moustache, blue bow tie and blue flower on his lapel. He sees himself as


In our final Lynsey session before hand-in, we looked at the Reflective Essay. This post won't be too heavy on that part, since it's mostly just notes on how to properly structure it. The essay itself should be academic in tone, with correct citations and a Harvard standard bibliography. It should be 1st person, and additional concept art and storyboards are acceptable if needed. Like the screenplay, it's a 1000 word piece (with a 10% margin either way); altogether, the screenplay and essay together should total at least 1800 words, maximum 2200.  The essay is easily split into three parts: JEKYLL AND HYDE This part of the essay talks about how your screenplay, story and characters were inspired by the Jekyll and Hyde text. The most obvious one that everyone should be able to apply is the concept of a person transforming. However, you can also talk about similar themes, character(s), setting(s), genre, or any part that inspired you. For my screenplay, that'll b


I presented an updated version of my story, now entitled Final Sin , to a group, and it's evident now that I need a complete reworking. The constructive criticism I received was that there was a lack of focus on the main character; the idea should be more concise  and focus even more towards the ending. All in all, Gluttony doesn't get as much focus as he probably should .  Instead of trying to constantly fit a square peg in a round hole to fix my story, I'm probably going to rework my story entirely. It's not ideal, but it's probably for the best.


In this session, we spent time looking at other short films, and what made them good. There are three key parts to make a successful short film. It should be: SIMPLE ECONOMICAL MEMORABLE First, looking at Simple . In this sense, simple does not  mean basic. It means choosing one main focus, and saying as much about it as you can. ( Changeover by Mehdi Alibeygi takes a moment that would be maybe 10 seconds long in reality and stretches the concept out to nearly 2 minutes - credit: Mehdi Alibeygi) The best short films are often a single, small moment that have been played out. "Short stories don't have spare meat on them" - Di Spiers ( Enough by Anna Mantzaris takes multiple very small moments, and stretches them out into multiple pseudo-relatable shorts - credit: Anna Mantzaris) With a short film, there really isn't any time to waste, so it's advised to start as close to the end as possible, or "in Media Res" (in the m


In this session, we looked into screenwriting techniques and how to properly format one. Before that, we started with a pop quiz about Jekyll and Hyde, in which my team scored the best out of the whole class! That's not necessarily relevant to the Screenwriting lecture, I just wanted to point it out. Now, onto the main focus. We started by having a look at the beat sheet ; a list of key events that move the story along. Anything that does move the story along is called a beat. The next stage up from a beat sheet is the outline . The outline helps to visualise the story, written similarly to a short story. It's written in the 3rd person in present tense, and fleshes out the beats from the beat sheet in more detail and with finer description. It only ever focuses on what's onscreen, and doesn't include dialogue. It can include a slug line as well (more on that later). The screenplay we're writing is 1000 words (with a margin of 10% either way), but 800 is the


So this is essentially the original outline for my short film screenplay task, which I've decided to entitle Final Sin . PROLOGUE 13.8 billion years ago, the celestial body of the universe came to be. And like most bodies, it needed a way to remove anything that didn’t belong, if it should ever come along. The Antibody, created from antimatter, fulfilled the universe’s need. And for billions of years, the Antibody did it’s job. Until it developed a selfish, biased taste; a taste for sentience. 6,000 years ago, as it craved more than it could attain, it created six children. Using powers of a destroyed ancient race, the children had unique abilities to assist the Antibody. Pride, Greed, Wrath, Lust, Sloth and Envy grew up to be feared across the universe, spreading their armies from planet to planet to feed their father. They were known as The Sins. Then the seventh Sin came to be. 2,000 years ago, Gluttony was born. He was dejected by all his siblings… but not his father